Transform Your Teaching 

Take our KBStronger Kettlebell BRAND Certification or our Kettlebell Certification.

Our Certifications 

The learn not only how to train faults and fixes for your kettlebell certifications but learn how to teach!

<div class="editor-content"><p>KSTronger Kettelbell Certification</p></div>

KSTronger Kettelbell Certification

This certification will give you :

The kettlebell certification is a very comprehensive trainers program, educating the individual(s) on the correct way to execute, structure, systemize and teach (faults and fixes included) the traditional kettlebell biomechanics.

The certification includes:

  • Kettlebell ballistics

  • Kettlebell grinds

  • Kettlebell trademarks

  • Kettlebell evolution

  • Kettlebell biomechanics

  • Kettlebell group and client faults and fixes

  • Kettlebell systemization

  • Group and private client workout structure

This is an ideal certification if you are not interested in using our trademark system, our cardio and mobility-based martial arts and kettlebell flows, and especially our trademarks, logos, and brand power.

You will walk away with complete education to add to your training toolbox!

<div class="editor-content"><p>KBStronger Level 1 Certification&nbsp;</p></div>

KBStronger Level 1 Certification 

This certification will give you:

The kettlebell certification is a very comprehensive trainers program, educating the individual(s) on the correct way to execute, structure, systemize and teach (faults and fixes included) the traditional kettlebell biomechanics.

The certification includes:

  • Kettlebell ballistics

  • Kettlebell grinds

  • Kettlebell trademarks

  • Kettlebell evolution

  • Kettlebell biomechanics

  • Kettlebell group and client faults and fixes

  • Martial Arts Movements Technique to incorporate mobility and cardio

  • Kettlebell Flows

  • Animal Based Movements

  • Kettlebell systemization

  • Group and private client workout structure

  • Learn how to Program our System

  • Branding Power, Community,Logo use and Trademarking

  • Ability to Apply to Become "Train the Trainer"

  • Access to our Membership Levels depending on what your needs are

This is an ideal certification if you are ready to become part of like-minded community. Stay connected with trainers to help learn and grow as a TEAM!

<div class="editor-content"><p>KBStronger Level 2 Certification</p></div>

KBStronger Level 2 Certification

This certification will give you :

The kettlebell certification is a very comprehensive trainers program, educating the individual(s) on the correct way to execute, structure, systemize and teach (faults and fixes included) the traditional kettlebell biomechanics. You must have Level 1 and experience to apply to take our Level 2 

The certification includes:

  • Kettlebell Rogue Swings

  • Kettlebell  Rotation Locomotive Swings

  • Kettlebell Mobility Training 

  • Kettlebell Walking Locomotive Swings

  • Advanced Grind with Mobility Demands

  • Kettlebell group and client faults and fixes

  • Complexes with Double Kettlebells

  • Exploration with Windmills

  • Overtraining and Recovery

  • Kettlebell Flows

  • Animal Based Movements

  • Kettlebell systemization

  • Personal and Private  clientele workout structure

  • Breathing

  • Branding Power, Community, Logo use and Trademarking

  • Ability to Apply to Become "Train the Trainer" Level 2

  • Access to our Membership Levels depending on what your needs are

This is an ideal certification if you are ready to level your training plus your clients.  It is advised that for all certifications you Learn, Practise and Master the motions before teaching them to a class or privates!

KBStronger Kettlebell Certifications

Training Videos To Guide You 

Access 24/7 to all your teaching videos.

​​Meet Your KBStronger Instructors

​​Only train with the best in the biz! Join our lineup of the kettlebell instructors.


for KBStronger 'Trainer Level 1 & 2

As we evolve so do our needs. Choose the monthly certification membership that fits you BEST!

Level 1


Access to all KBStronger tutorial training videos on the site PLUS 

Access to LIVE/On Demand

Yearly Video Skill Submission Required

Use of KBStronger Logo


Level 2


Access to all KBStronger tutorial training videos on the site PLUS 

Community Private Group

2 Written Programs/Month (Posted to Community Private Group)

Access LIVE/On Demand

Exclusive Content

Community Private Group

Access LIVE/On Demand

Exclusive Content Workouts

Yearly Video Skill Submission Required

Use of KBStronger Logo

Trainer Image with Links to your Social or website to advertise

15% off Trainers Weekend


Level 3


Access to all KBStronger tutorial training videos on the site PLUS 

Community Private Group

2 Written Programs/Month (Posted to Community Private Group)

Access LIVE/On Demand

Exclusive Content

Community Private Group

Access LIVE/On Demand

Exclusive Content Workouts

Yearly Video Skill Submission Required

Use of KBStronger Logo

15% off Trainers Weekend

Trainer Image with Links to your Social or website to advertise

$179.99 (year)