I remember the day. I went to the gym to work out and I just couldn’t do it. I sat down on a bench and just sat there. I couldn’t lift a thing. But I’m strong enough, I thought. Why can’t I lift anything? And then I realized…I was strong on the outside, but not on the inside. I needed my inside and my outside to match up. Badly. This is where my journey began.

I had just come through being separated from my partner of 15 years and being a stay-at-home mom. I had three young children. And I knew I needed to be strong, but I also knew I needed to find Jodi. To find my passion. I had given the last 13 years to my children, but I had never given anything to myself. I needed balance. I needed to find my place. I needed to have something that was all my own. Because I had crashed.

I am a big believer that the paths that are meant to cross will cross. I’ve always been physically active and trained, but a friend introduced me to kettlebells. I loved the feeling of the kettlebell in my hands. The weight. The balance. My entire body is engaged and present.

Then another interesting opportunity crossed my path: I started working out at a local Muay Thai kickboxing gym. I loved the martial arts aspect. I believe that if we keep our eyes and our heart open we remain open to things that intersect. And this was one of those moments.

I started to do more martial arts and kettlebells. I got stronger, inside and out. And I decided to get certified in kettlebell. I did so in December 2016 by Chi Chi Health and Fitness.

As I was finishing my certification, I came across Kettlebell Kickboxing on Instagram and Dasha Libin Anderson. I immediately loved her vibe and her passion for the intersection between the kettlebell and martial arts. I wanted to get certified by her. So, I reached out to Dasha and she responded immediately. I asked her to certify me to train trainers across Canada because I love to teach. I felt the pull to go to New York for the training. She said yes.

Now, I’m a prairie girl – born and raised in Saskatchewan bugging my Dad on the tractor whenever I could. But New York?

People told me I couldn’t do it. People told me I shouldn’t do it. People told me to play it safe. But I listened to the little voice inside of me that said I could. The little voice that said I needed to do this. The little voice was growing stronger. So, I did. I went.

It was the best decision I’ve ever made. Today, I’m certified to train KBStronger certifications globally.

But want to know the best part of all this? It’s this: one day one of my girls said to me, “Mom, I have something to tell you…”

Oh no, I thought. What is it? 

“Mom, I want to thank you. I really like myself. And you taught me how to like myself.”

I have been active all my life: sport and dance being a huge part of my childhood. I studied dance and taught classes until I graduated from University with a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity Studies with a Major in Fitness/Lifestyle. I have done both personal and group strength & conditioning training. I have always believed in a healthy active lifestyle for my three beautiful children, the people around me, and myself. I have enjoyed training for obstacle runs—such as Tough Mudder and Spartan. I believe in balance and discipline and always working on keeping those in check is essential. Balance is the key to life and finding and being around a positive tribe is essential.

My three children have been an incredible driving force in my fitness and health goals. Being a single mom has its challenges, but the most rewarding is involving my children in a healthy lifestyle. As we get going Saturday morning with me training first and then the girls training right after me, often our mood is a little off on our way to Muay Thai, but guaranteed when we are done when we drive home there are huge smiles!!! My middle daughter even commented one day that even if we are grumpy at the start we all are happy after training!!

If I were ever asked to give advice I think it would be this: If you are lost stop searching and just BE. Listen to the whisper within you that tells you what feels right. Grow your inner strength as it will carry you forward and make you strong on the outside and Dream Big!



    BA Physical Activity Studies -Major Fitness/Lifestyle
    Chi Chi Health & Fitness Kettlebell Certification- December 2016
    KBIA - Level 1 March 2017
    KBIA - Level 2 March 2017
    Master - KBIA March 2017
    MKC - Level 1 October 2017